Saturday 26 March 2016

Two SANs docked over alleged bribery

Two Senior Advocates of Nigeria SAN Rickey Tafar and Dr Joseph Nwobike were arraigned by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission EFCC, on two different count charges of offering of gratification running into millions of Naira, to pervert justice.

Tarfa was arraigned on a 27 count charge bordering on ‎failure to declare his assets, refused to declare his assets, made a false statement and offering of gratification to public official, alleged failure to declare his assets in the declaration of Assets Form administration on him by EFCC ‎when he was arrested, preferred against him by the EFCC.  

Tarfa was docked before Justice A. A Akintoye, while Nwobike was arraigned before Justice Raliat Adebiyi on a five count charge of allegedly attempting to pervert the course of justice and offering gratification to public official.

Two of the counts read: “That you Dr. Joseph Nwobike [S.A.N] on the 19th day of March, 2015 in Lagos within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, intentionally gave the sum of N 750,000.00 (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Naira only) to Hon. Justice Mohammed Nasir Yunusa of the Federal High Court directly through your United Bank for Africa Plc Account No.1002664061 in order that the said Judge acts in the exercise of his official duties.
“That you Dr. Joseph Nwobike [S.A.N] on the 28th day of September, 2015 in Lagos within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, intentionally gave the sum of N 300,000.00 (Three Hundred Thousand Naira only) to Hon. Justice Mohammed Nasir Yunusa of the Federal High Court indirectly through Awa Ajia Nigeria Limited’s account No. 0000971931 domiciled in Access Bank Plc belonging to Hon. Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya of the Federal High Court in order that the Hon. Justice Mohammed Nasir Yunusa acts in the exercise of his official duties”. 

The EFCC, Prosecutor Rotimi Oyedepo  alleged that the defendant  on February 10, 2016, ‎failed to declare his assets in the declaration of assets form that was issued to him by the agency, when he was arrested. 

He said that ‎Tafar refused to declare his assets and also made a false statement on February 5, 2016 to one Usman Zakari, a senior detective superintendent an officer of the EFCC in the course of the exercise of his duty, by claiming that he is 43 years old.

EFCC also alleged that Tarfa on June 27, 2012 internationally gave the sum of N1.5million to Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya of a Federal High Court in Lagos, directly from his Zenth Bank Account No 1002926967, in order that the said judge acts in the exercise of his official duties. 

He was further alleged to have intentionally given the same Judge ‎the sum of N500, 000, on the same day, in order that the said judge refrains from acting in the exercise of his official duties. 

EFCC stated that the defendant on August 6, 2013, intentionally gave the sum of N500, 000 to Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya of the Federal High Court directly from his Zenith Bank Account in order that the said judge acts in the exercise of his official duties. 

On January 29, 2014, the defendant was also alleged to have intentionally given the same Judge the sum of N1.5million from his account; the EFCC also stated that on October 3, 2014 gave the judge the sum of N835, 000.

On December 22 2014, Tarfa intentionally gave the Judge the sum of N500,000, in order that the said Judge refrains from acting in the exercise of his official duties.

The Anti-graft agency ‎, alleged that on October 27 2015, intentionally gave the sum of N1.5million to Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya of the Federal High Court by directly depositing the said sum into Awa Ajia Nigeria Ltd's account No 0000971931 domiciled in Access Bank Plc belonging to the Judge in order that he acts in the exercise of his official duties. 

On December 30, 2015 the defendant also gave the Judge the sum of N500, 000 intentionally by directly depositing the said sum into the account of the Judge in order to influence him from acting in the exercise of his official duties.

The defendant was also alleged to have given ‎the sum of N200,000 to Justice mohammed Nasir Yunusa of the Federal High Court in Lagos, through Awa Ajia Nigeria Ltd's account No 0000971931 domiciled in Access Bank Plc belonging to Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya on November 30,2015, in order that justice Yunusa acts in the exercise of his official duties. 

Both defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges preferred against them. 

Tarfa, SAN, denied having any under counter dealing with Justice Nganjiwa of a Federal High Court, Lagos as alleged by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.

In a statement by his law firm, Rickey Tarfa and Co, by the Head of Chambers, Mr. John Odubela, in reaction to the new 27 count charge which was even yet to serve on Tarfa, noted that "The Chambers" have course to once more react to the malicious trial by media of Rickey Tarfa (SAN), by the EFCC.

“Trial are never won on the pages of newspapers, the airwaves and on online platforms. The recent 27 count charge allegedly filed against Tarfa, SAN, by EFCC is not only laughable because as at the time of issuing this press statement, Tarfa, SAN, is yet to be served with the charge.
“The media is however, abashed with details of the said charge
Meanwhile the duo who pleaded not guilty to the charges against them, were granted bail on self recognizance.

Tarfa's case was adjourned till March 22‎ and 23, while Nwobike's case was adjourned to April 11, 21, and 22, for trial. 

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