Wednesday 15 June 2016

Court sentence Pastor son and one other for possessing illegal weapons.

Justice Olabisi Akinlade of a Lagos state High Court sitting at Igbosere has sentenced two men  to three years imprisonment after they had spent eight years in prison custody over armed robbery and being in possession of  illegal weapons.
However the convicts will be going home from the court, as they have already spent more than the stipulated jail term.
The convicts Moses Oluwajuyigbe and Ifeanyi Okoronkwo were first arraigned in 2008,  for armed robbery and being in possession of instrument of house breaking preferred against them by Lagos state.
Oluwajuyigbe and Okoronkwo and others who are still at large were said to have robbed one Chichi Okonjo and his family of four laptops among which was a Mac Book Pro laptop, jewelries and other valuables, while armed with guns and dangerous weapons.
The convicts were charge with two count charge of armed robbery and unlawful possession of instrument of house breaking.
The incident occured on June 2008, at 2, Adejonwo Street, Maryland, in Lagos. 
The convicts without lawful excuse had in their possession instrument of house breaking ranging from metal cutter, dagger knife and a toy pistol on December 18, 2009 along AIB junction, Ilupeju, Lagos at night.
According to the charge the offences committed are contrary to sections 402, (2) (a), cap C17 vol 2, laws of Lagos state 2003, and section 417 (c) of the same criminal code.
Justice Olabisi Akinlade in sentencing the convicts  discharged and acquitted them of the first count charge while she found them guilty of the second count charge.
Justice Akinlade said that they were discharged of the first charge as the prosecution could not prove it's case beyond reasonable doubt that the convicts actually committed the offence of armed robbery.
However the Judge sentenced the convicts to three years imprisonment starting from June 1, 2011, when they were first remanded in prison.
Earlier before the pronouncement of the sentence, the counsel to the first convict Mr O. A Omodele, prayed the court to temper justice with mercy as he was a first time offender and that he has already spent eight years in custody.
The second convict's counsel Mr E. Ukam, who also alinged himself with the first convict's counsel that the second convict has also spent 8 years in custody adding that  he found himself in a circumstance beyond his control.
The  Judge advised the first convict to turn a new leave, as she would have sentenced him to death, if the armed robbery victim had testified against him.
She said " count your self very lucky because if chichi Okonjo has testified in this case, I would have  sentence you to death. You should be ashamed of your self, you that is a son of a senior pastor  you disgraced your father."
"God is giving you a second chance and I hope you don't miss use it again" she stated.

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